I’m so pleased every time I get to collaborate with others to spread the word about homeschooling! Here you can find a list of my past collaborations and appearances. If you’d like to collaborate with me in the future, please contact me.
- I chatted with my local news station about homeschooling in Wisconsin and the increase in homeschooling due to the pandemic. You can watch that here.
- I sat down to chat with Thalia Toha of Good Grow Great and talked about what I’ve learned since running my business and what it’s like to run a business and parent my kids. Listen to the episode now, by clicking here.
- I was pleased to contribute my review of Math-U-See to this round up of homeschool math curriculum reviews. I recommend checking it out if you are trying to decide what math curriculum you would like to use!
- My self-care post was featured in this collection of posts on self-care for homeschool moms.
- I was thrilled to be interviewed on Coder Kids talking about teaching coding to kids in a homeschool setting, especially when you are not a very techie person yourself. You can find out more about Coder Kids here (affiliate link).
- I love cooking and it was great to share some of my passion for cooking over at The Homeschool Cafe and be included on this post about how kids in the kitchen learn better nutrition.
- I was so thrilled to be on Empowering Homeschool Conversations twice! We chated about Homeschooling Using Library Resources here and about Creating a Holiday Unit Study Using Family Traditions here.
- I had a wonderful time chatting with Charlotte on The Strike a Balance Podcast for Working Homeschool Moms twice. You can find me on episodes 32 and 51.
- I was on The Homeschool Advantage chatting all about what makes Pocket Homeschool special. You can listen here.
- I wrote a guest post about 5 Last Minute Advent Calendars That Focus on Experiences over at Hope in the Chaos and you can head here to read it.
- I had a great chat with Jodie on the Life Unboxed podcast!
- I was happy to be interviewed by Mr. D of Mr. D Math on his podcast A+ Parents. Check out the interview here. (And check out my Mr. D related posts: Self-Paced ASL 1 for Homeschoolers and Teach.)
- I spoke with Debby Enoe at the Female Educator’s Round Table about the power of home education.
- I wrote a guest post over at Humility & Doxology on 4 Reasons to Use Single-Player Games in Your Homeschool.